Wow! Christmas is only two sleeps away! We’ve already been busy making memories and enjoying some great family time. Experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a three year old just may be the best thing ever!
In our digital world, I love how easy it is to capture these special moments. Seriously, I remember back to our honeymoon (ten years ago for those of you paying attention!) – we didn’t even bring a camera with us!?!? Can you even imagine that these days?
As much as I love my smartphone and social media posting and the general convenience of having a camera at my fingertips at all time, it does stress me out a bit that I don’t have official baby books and yearly family photo albums.
You know, actual printed books to flip through.
So last year I set out to change that with a very simple family Christmas album, and I caught myself up for the past couple years back to the big boy’s first Christmas.
This is SUCH a simple way to commemorate the holidays and should only take a few minutes every year to keep up with.
I will include our Christmas card, the Santa pic, and any other highlights from that particular year.
Just enough to have something to flip through each year. Imagine after 18 years what a special treasure this will be.
If you are a grandparent, this would be such a thoughtful gift to do for your kids and give them later. Because chances are, they are in the trenches knee deep in wrapping paper and school parties… not thinking about Christmas journals! 🙂
If you are not in the DIY mood, there are actually Christmas Journals available on Amazon. This one has received great reviews and is $20.
Day 1: Simple 15- Minute Magnolia Wreath Tutorial
Great idea since you don't have time to keep up with photos on a weekly basis! Print out some of those photos for me!!
My mom has starting gathering Christmas photos from every year in a scrapbook. It's fun to see how everyone changes. I need to start my own version to show how big my kids have grown!