Thanks for following along the past couple weeks as we gave this little bath a big splash: Click here to see how we Dreamt Up Some Inspiration for this Damsel in Distress Click here to see where we Discussed 3 Ways To Add Storage to a Small Bath As a reminder on where we started- here was the Damsel in… View Post
Hop On Over Easter Tablescape
We won’t be home for Easter Sunday and I needed something spring-y to do during Mr. Big Stuff’s nap to help get through the cold and rainy Atlanta weekend. I couldn’t resist the excuse to set an Easter table for a family lunch we were hosting this past weekend. Probably a bit formal for burgers but any excuse to… View Post
{DIY} Scrap Ribbon and Fabric “Darling-Garland”
Recently, I have been fortunate to host several baby showers at the house. I love shopping the house to help make it feel more festive for these special occasions, and used what I could find on hand. The simple result was a scrap ribbon & fabric garland. And since it was so dang darling (if-i-do-say-so-myself), I have officially named it a “Darling-Garland.” I… View Post
What Has 8 Arms and 3 Frames? How To Make a DIY Octopus Triptych
What has 8 arms and 3 frames? An Octopus Triptych. um, and what exactly is an Octopus Triptych you ask? Take a look at this arm eye candy… Pictured here in Giuliana DePandi and Bill Rancic’s home source This Octopus print actually has a long history- the original is a copperplate engraving by Lord Bodner and was published in… View Post
{Before and After} Nantucket Glam Guest Room
When we first bought our house three years ago, we just used what we had to decorate. Partly because we were broke, and partly because I wanted to let the house evolve over time. We were guiltiest in the guest room- we moved in, we plopped furniture down, and we moved on. Guest Room Before = boring…snooze…yawn…blah…and it sat like this for about 3 years. I did manage… View Post
Campaigning for Neutral Campaign Furniture
I love the use of bold statement colors on the campaign furniture out in the blogosphere. I think EVERYONE has seen this gem by now, featured in Lonny magazine. And then Emily Clark gave us this eye candy in her home office redo Imagine my hysteria excitement when I stumbled across a couple campaign beauties at my local Goodwill a couple years ago…maybe even sending texts to my… View Post
Little Gentleman “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Baby Sprinkle
We had a great time hosting a “Sprinkle” for a friend this weekend. For those not familiar, a sprinkle is a less extravagant, usually with a smaller guest list “shower” for a second or third baby. We decided to keep the menu simple with a hot chocolate bar and dessert spread. To keep the decor easy, I pulled out all of the linens,dishes and fabric… View Post
Fifty Shades of Grey… Our House Paint Colors
So, I never actually read the book Fifty Shades of Grey, but I feel like I could write a novel on shades of gray paint colors. Seriously, Mr Benjamin Moore and Sir Sherwin Williams- do you think it’s funny to make it so hard for a normal person to pick out a paint color? And who is the genius that… View Post
Baby Lily’s Southern Baby Shower
I love hosting parties and love that we had an excuse to pull out all of the fun pink and gingham for this southern baby shower. It was a great time showering Lily and mom-to-be this past weekend with this southern themed baby shower- complete with mason jars, scrap fabric banners and all the gingham I could find! It was… View Post